CAM 0 La fête sauvage 900 056
Cambrian Hennessey's The road and the miles CLP 593
Camden McCalmans no strings attached INTS 1340
Canon Records Nicoll Watt Hauf time VAR 4971
Capitol Broken Glass Broken glass C06282150
Capitol Burdon Eric Band Stop SMAS-11426
Capitol Ian Janis Present company E-ST 683
Capitol Klugh Earl Wishful thinking 1c064 240092
Capitol Kottke Leo Ice water C062 81610
Capitol Mc Culloch Danny Wings of a man E-ST 174
Capitol Miller Steve Band Rock love c062-80962
Capitol Missing Persons Rhyme & Reason 1C 064-2401041
Capitol Paris Paris ST-11464
Capitol Reid Terry Rogue waves E-ST 11857
Capitol Section Fork it over ST-11656
Capitol Strange advance 2wo 1C 064-240286
Capitol Strange advance Worlds away 1C 064-400152
Capitol Tavares Sky high C066-82262
Capricorn Allman Duane An anthology CAP 67502
Capricorn Allman Gregg Gregg Allman tour CAP 87500
Capricorn Bishop Elvin Let it flow Cp 0134
Capricorn Bishop Elvin Group Live! 2CP 0185
Capricorn Wet Willie Wet Willie CP 0138
Caribou L.A. Express L.A. Express CRB 81267
Caribou Wilson Dennis Pacific ocean blue CRB 81672
Caroline Gong Camembert électrique C 1505
Caroline Grimes Carole Warm blood 87 977 ET
Carrère Haumont Michel Notes de voyage 66.019
Carrère Moraz Patrick & Syrinx Coexistence 67499
Casablanca Angel Helluva BaMillernd C066 97888
Casablanca Miles Buddy More miles per gallon NB 7013
Casablanca Crocker Frankie & Heart and Soul Frankie Crocker & the Heart and soul nblp 7050
CBS Beauregard, Violetti En plein orgasme 81197
CBS Beethoven Christ on the mount of olives 61121
CBS Biggs E. power Historic organs of Italy 72810
CBS Blood, sweat & tears Mirror Image 80153
CBS Bloomfield Mike Live at Fillmore S 63816
CBS Bonoff Karla Restless Nights 83587
CBS Cabrel Francis Sarbacane 463462-1
CBS Chambers Brothers Love, peace and happiness S 66226
CBS Compost Take off your body S 64935
CBS Dean Elton Elton Dean 64539
CBS Di Meola Al Casino 82645
CBS Di Meola Al Elegant gypsy 81845
CBS Di Meola Al Splendido hotel 88468
CBS Dreams Dreams 64203
CBS Dreams Imagine my surprise S 64597
CBS Essex David David Essex 69088
CBS Essex David All the fun of the fair 69160
CBS Ferguson Maynard Hollywood 85503
CBS Flock Dynosaur swamps S 64055
CBS Fraser Andy In your eyes 81027
CBS Glass Philip Glassworks 73640
CBS Hahn Jerry Brotherhood The Jerry Hahn Brotherhood S 64121
CBS Hancock Herbie Future shock 25540
CBS Hancock Herbie Lite me up 85650
CBS Hancock Herbie Magic windows 85144
CBS Hancock Herbie Thrust 80193
CBS Haydn three piano sonatas S 61112
CBS Heath Brothers Live at the Public Theatre 84341
CBS Hinze Chris The best of S 65549
CBS Home Pause for a hoarse horse 64356
CBS Ian Janis Night Rains 83802
CBS Joel Billy 52nd Street CX 83181
CBS King Ben E The beginning of it all 64570
CBS Kokomo Rise and shine 69229
CBS Kursaal Flyers Golden Mile 81622
CBS Lincoln Abbey Straight ahead S 64655
CBS Loggins Kenny, Messina Jim Sittin' in S 64902
CBS Loussier Jacques Pulsion 84078
CBS Mahavishnu Orchestra Visions of the emerald beyond 69108
CBS Mann Bary Lay it all out S 64805
CBS Mashmakhan Mashmakhan S 64159
CBS Mason Dave Dave Mason 80 360
CBS Mason Dave Old crest on a new wave 83828
CBS McCalmans turn again 654145
CBS McCalmans singers three 52699
CBS New York Rock & Roll Ensemble Roll over 64126
CBS Nyro Laura Christmas and thebeads of sweat S 64157
CBS Nyro Laura Gonna take a miracle S 64770
CBS Pattersons Again 63532
CBS Pattersons I can fly 64064
CBS P.S. Corporation From P.S with love 80944
CBS P.S. Corporation Happy again S 64 884
CBS Pacific Gas & Electric PG &E 64295
CBS Poco Poco 64082
CBS Ravan Genya Geny Ravan S 64872
CBS Return to forever Musicmagic 81959
CBS Return to forever Romantic warrior PC 34076
CBS Revelation Philharmonic Orchestra The new messiah S 65329
CBS Santana Carlos Devadip Tthe swing of delight 22075
CBS Satie Eric Gymnopédies 1, 3, parade 72915
CBS Scaggs Boz & Band Boz Scaggs & band S 64431
CBS Scaggs Boz & Band Moments 64248
CBS Shakti & John Mc Laughlin A handful of beauty 81664
CBS Shostakovich Symphony n° 10 72886
CBS Smith & d’Abo Smith & d’Abo 81583
CBS Solution Fully Interlocking 84384
CBS Spencer Jeremy & the Children Jeremy Spencer and the children S 65387
CBS Stravinsky Igor Songs 1906-1953 72881
CBS Sutherland Brothers Band & Quiver Reach for the sky 69191
CBS Tarot Tarot 81007
CBS Tennberg Jean-Marc Monologues et poésies S 64292
CBS Titanic Eagle Rock 65661
CBS Tyner Mc Coy Looking out FC-38053
CBS Urubamba Urubamba S 80158
CBS Vollenweider Andreas Dancing with the lion 46333
CBS White Bukka Bukka White M 52629
CBS Williams John & Rafael Puyana Music for guitar and harpsichord 72948
CBS Williams Tony The joy of flying 83338
CBS Zappa Frank Tinseltown rebellion 88516
CBS Zappa Frank The man from utopia 25251
CBS Davis Miles Bitches Brew S 64011
CBS Pasadena Roof Orchestra Night Out 83220
CBS Scaggs Boz Other roads 461121
Cellier Zamfir Georgh, Cellier Marcel Improvisations 2
Cézame Bensusan Pierre Pierre Bensusan 2 CEZ 1040
Cézame Bensusan Pierre Près de Paris CEZ 1004
Chapter One Chalker Bryan & the Road Band Daddy, sing me a song CMS 1020
Charisma Bell Graham Graham Bell 6 369 927
Charisma Genesis Live CLASS 1
Charisma Genesis Selling England by the pound 6 369 944
Charisma Godfrey Robert John Fall of Hyperion BT-5167
Charisma Hansson Bo Music inspired by watership 9 124 015
Charisma Macleod Robert Between the poppy and the snow CAS 1114
Charisma Moore G.T. and raggae guitars G.T. Moore and the raggae guitars CAS 1095
Charisma Moraz Patrick Patrick Moraz CDS 4015
Charisma String driven thing Please mind your head 6 369 961
Charisma String driven thing String driven thing CAS 1062
Charly If Tea-break over- back on your 'eads CR 300010
Chocolate City Smoke Smoke CCLP-2001
Chrysalis Auracle City slickers 6 307 653
Chrysalis Gallagher Rory Jinx 204408-320
Chrysalis Gentle Giant In'terview 6 307 575
Chrysalis Gilder Nick City nights 6 307 641
Chrysalis Hart Tim Tim Hart 6 307 658
Chrysalis Jethro Tull Minstrel in the gallery CHR 1082
Chrysalis Miller Frankie Double trouble 6 307 625
Chrysalis Olsson Kai Crazy love 6 307 656
Chrysalis Procol Harum Grand hotel C6307 511
Chrysalis Procol Harum Something magic 6 307 593
Chrysalis Sayer Leo Silver bird 6 307 521
Chrysalis Serry John Exhibition 6 307 662
Chrysalis Steeleye Span A parcel of rogues CHR +046
Chrysalis Steeleye Span All around my hat CHR 1091
Chrysalis Steeleye Span Commoner's Crown CHR 1071
Chrysalis Thompson Richard & Linda First light 6 307 640
Chrysalis Thompson Richard & Linda Sunny vista 6 307 681
Chrysalis Various artists Over the rainbow, the last concert 6 307 547
Chrysalis Winkies The winkies CHR 1066
CMP Beirach Richard Breathing of statues CMP 17
CMP Nauseef Mark Personal note 16
Coda Cayenne An evening in Jaffa coda 11
Coda Critchinson John New night Coda 9
Coda Critchinson John Summer afternoon Coda1
Coda Morrissey Dick After dark 2
Coda Mullen Jim Thumbs up 4
Coda Themis John Ulysses and the cyclops 10
Colomba Vollenweider Andreas Caverna magica LP 82-01
Columbia Fania All Stars Delicate and jumpy PC 34283
Columbia Heath Brothers In motion 35816
Columbia Hubbard Freddie Windjammer PC 34166
Columbia Kooper Al Easy does it G 30031
Columbia Mas Jeanne Les crises de l'âme 291817
Columbia Mason Dave Split coconut PC 33 698
Columbia Mellow Fruitfulness Music for meditation SCX 6242
Columbia Nelson Willie To Lefty from Willie 34695
Columbia Nice Ars long vita brevis P 11634
Columbia Williams Tony Believe it PC 33836
Concord Thompson Don Quartet Beautiful friendship CJ-243
Contemporary Erskine Peter Peter Erskine 14010
Cottage Records Armpit Jug Band No sweat cot 201/R
Counterpoint Zabaleta Nicanor Harp music 5509
Crscent Shortwaveband the shortwaveband's greatest hats ARS 111
Crocos Revelacion The house of the Rising Sun 337702
CTI Austin Patti End of a rainbow 63.002
CTI Laws Hubert The Chicago theme 6058
Cube Andrews Harvey Writer fo songs 2 326 011
Cube JSD Band Travelling days HIFLY14
Curb/Warner Mc Govern Maureen Maureen Mc Govern BSK 3327