I can fly Pattersons CBS 64064
I can't stand another night Weisberg Steve Xtra Watt 1
I cry, I smile Walden Narada Michael Atlantic SD-19141
I got it bad and that ain't no Adderley Cannonball Pickwick SPC3 128
I only have eyes for you Bowie Lester & Brass fantasy ECM 1296
I wanna play for you Clarke Stanley Epic EPC 88331
i.o.u Holdsworth Allan Enigma 2031-1
Ian Lloyd Lloyd Ian Polydor PD1-6066
Ice water Kottke Leo Capitol C062 81610
If you could read my mind Lightfoot Gordon Reprise 44091
I'll be there Fisher Matthew RCA APL1 0325
Illusion Illusion Island ILPS 9519
Illusion Isotope Gull 6.22113 AS
images Hartman Dan Blue Sky PE 34322
Images pour le clavecin Giordani-Sartori Egida Philips 837.918 LY
Imagine my surprise Dreams CBS S 64597
Improvisations Zamfir Georgh, Cellier Marcel Cellier 2
In concert Magna Carta Vertigo 6 360 068
In Europe Zappa Frank & Mothers of Invention World white WWA 13
In London Vol.1 Mc Dowell Mississippi Fred Transatlantic TRA 194
In motion Heath Brothers Columbia 35816
In the region of the summer stars Enid EMI INS 3005
In the shade of a tree Gale Eric JVC VIJ 28018
In the west Hendrix Jimi Barclay 80 448
In your eyes Fraser Andy CBS 81027
Incantations Oldfield Mike Virgin 2 676 716
Indigo blue Crawford Hank Milestone 2521-89119
Individual choice Ponty Jean-Luc Polydor 817189
Inner conflicts Cobham Billy Atlantic ATL 50475
Innocent victim Uriah heep Bronze 25 543 XOT
Inside out Flock Mercury SRM-1-1035
Inside the fire Coolidge Rita A&M AMLX 65003
In'terview Gentle Giant Chrysalis 6 307 575
Irish folk Mc Peake family Fontana SFL 13068
Isotope Isotope Gull GULP 1002
It ain't where you.. Latimore B. T.K Records XL 14034
It don't bother me Jansch Bert Transatlantic TRA 132
It never rains in Southern California Hammond Albert Epic EPC 65320
It takes one to know one Detective Swan Song SS 8504
It's about time Tonto Polydor 2 383 308
it’s been so long Davis Spencer & Peter Jameson United artists UAS 29177