Kaas Patricia Mademoiselle chante BSO/Polydor 837 356
KGB Motion MCA 6.22848 AO
Khan Chaka I feel for you Warner 925 162
Kids Anvil chorus Atlantic K 50143
Kind hearts and English A wish for a season DJM DJF 20490
King Ben E The beginning of it all CBS 64570
King Crimson Discipline EG Editions 2 302 112
King Crimson Earthbound Island 86 254 ET
King Crimson Beat EG Editions 2 311 156
Kirk Roland The art of Roland Kirk Atlantic ATL 60042
Klugh Earl Wishful thinking Capitol 1c064 240092
Kokomo Rise and shine CBS 69229
Kooper Al Easy does it Columbia G 30031
Koral Rob, Chris Mills, Paul Rodgers Rising View VS 008
Korda Paul Passing stranger MAM MAM-AS 1003
Korner Alexis Alexis Metronome LMLP 15 802
Kossoff Back street crawler Island ILPS 9264
Kottke Leo Ice water Capitol C062 81610
Kubinec David Some things never change AM AMP 6040
Kuhn Paul Paul's Piano Party II EMI 1c062 29590
Kühn Joachim Band Don't stop me now Atlantic ATL 50623
Kühn Joachim Band Nightline New York Sandra Music SMP 2113
Kühn Rolf Group Total space MPS 2 022 625
Kuhn Steve's Qaurtet Last year's waltz ECM 1213
Kursaal Flyers Golden Mile CBS 81622