Kaleidoscope | Morgan John | EMI | 1C062-93 001 |
Kaléidoscope | Laffaille Gilbert | Accord | ACV 130 013 |
Katharsis | Schaffer Janne | Epic | 34499 |
Keep on pushing | Orange Blossom | Westwood | WRS038 |
Kew. Rhone. | Greaves John | Europa | JP 2004 |
King Gooden | Garbutt Vin | Trailer | LER 2102 |
King of the sea | Mannin Folk | Kelly | MAN 2 |
King Progress | Jackson's Heights | Mercury | SR 61331 |
Knights like this | Blegvad Peter | Virgin | 207 187-620 |
Kumberland | Treese Jack | Horse records | HS 4001 |