Pablo Bellson Louie Jam 2310-838
Page 1 Vanity Fare Vanity fare 80 428 IT
Palo Alto Jazz Zeitlin Denny Tidal wave PA-8044 N
Parachute Jefferson Morris Spank your blank blank NW 6003
Parlophone Rayburn Chris Chris Rayburn PMC 7001
Passport Lavitz T. From the west PJ88026
Passport Montrose Ronnie Territory PJ 88009
Passport Pocket Change Random Axis PJ 88018
Passport Richman Jonathan & another language Himalaya PJ 88007
Passport Severinsen Doc & Xebron Doc Severinsen & Xebron PJ 88008
Passport Warmers Never gonna give you up PJ 88003
Passport Brand X Morrocan roll PP 98022
Passport Jazz Berlin Jeff Pump it! PJ 88017
Passport Jazz Berlin Jeff & vox humana Champion PJ 88004
Pathé Marconi Animals House of the rising sun C 048-50731
Pethé Marconi Manset Gérard Royaume de Siam 2c070-14721
Penny Farthing Batt Mike Orchestra Batt tracks PAGS 534
Phantom Braverman Cory Fire Sign BPL1-1948
Philips Bar-Kays Light of life 9 111 004
Philips Blue cheer BC+5 the original human being 6 336 004
Philips Davison Brian's Every which way Every which way 6 303 008
Philips De Lucia Paco Castro marin 6 301 025
Philips Ekseption Ekseption 5 6 423 042
Philips Ekseption Beggar Julia's time trip 6 314 001
Philips Ekseption Mindmirror 6 423 082
Philips Ekseption Trinity 6 423 056
Philips Gainsbourg Serge L'homme à la tête de chou 9 101 097
Philips Gilles Jean-Villard Récital n° 5 625109 PL
Philips Giordani-Sartori Egida Images pour le clavecin 837.918 LY
Philips Manfred Mann's Earthband Manfred mann's earthband 6308086
Philips Peddlers Live at the Pickwick SBL 7768
Philips Spud A silk purse 9 108 002
Philips Strider Exposed 6 370 100
Philips Trace Trace 6 413 505
Philips Witchcraft Outside inn 6 305 389
Philps Charpentier Jacques 72 études carnatiques 839276 DSY
Pick up JTB Jukka Tolonen Band PULP 79-302
Pickwick Adderley Cannonball I got it bad and that ain't no SPC3 128
Pickwick Beach Boys Good vibrations SPC 3269
Pickwick Beach Boys Wow! Great concert SPC 3309
Pickwick Berry Chuck Johnny B. Goode SPC 3327
Plainisphare Lindemann François - Santa Maria Sébastien Piano-Duo PL1267-8
Plainisphare Theus Alexandre Boum Boum Miaou PL 1267-16
PM Records Thompson Don Country place PMR-008
Polydor Anderson Jon & Vangelis The Friends of Mr. Cairo 2302127
Polydor Barclay James Harvest Turn of the tide 2 383 608
Polydor Barclay James Harvest Live tapes 2 679 054
Polydor Barclay James Harvest A concert for the people (Berlin) 2 383 638
Polydor Barclay James Harvest Time Honoured Ghosts 2 383 361
polydor Bruford Bill Feels good to me 2 302 075
Polydor Bruford Bill Gently going toarnado 2 302 097
Polydor Bruford Bill One of a kind POLD 5020
Polydor Burdon Eric Darkness-darkness 2 344 147
Polydor Charlie No second chance 2 460 271
Polydor Clapton Eric Eric Clapton 2 383 021
Polydor Corea Chick Delphi 1 PD1-6208
Polydor Corea Chick Mad hatter PD1-6130
Polydor Corea Chick My spanish heart 26 699 034
Polydor Corea Chick The leprechaun 2 391 217
Polydor Corea Chick Secret agent PD1-6176
Polydor Cream Live cream 2 2 383 119
Polydor Daddy longlegs The three musicians 2 371 261
Polydor Deep Purple Nobody's perfect 835 897
Polydor Eno Brian Before and after science 2 344 087
Polydor Focus Moving waves 2 310 150
Polydor Focus Focus 3 2 659 016
Polydor Gaynor Gloria Glorious 2 417 314
Polydor Godley Kevin, Creme Lol Freeze frame POLD 5027
Polydor Godley Kevin, Creme Lol The history mix volume 1 825 981
Polydor Hollies Write on 2 374 120
Polydor Lancaster Neil Neil Lkancaster 2 383 036
Polydor Lloyd Ian Ian Lloyd PD1-6066
Polydor Mainhorse Mainhorse 2 383 049
Polydor Malmsteen Yingwie Rising force 825 324
Polydor Mélusine Mélusine 2 393 119
Polydor Money Zoot Zoot Money 2 425 077
Polydor Murphy Elliott Aquashow 2 391 100
Polydor Ponty Jean-Luc Individual choice 817189
Polydor Rare Bird Born again PD 6506
Polydor Sandy Coast Sandy coast 2 480 060
Polydor Thomas Timmy You're the song I've always 2 310 358
Polydor Thompson Richard Daring adventures 829 728-1
Polydor Tonto It's about time 2 383 308
Polydor Zygoat Zygoat 2 383 270
Portrait Heart Dog and butterfly FR 35555
Private music Alomar Carlos Dream generator 2019-1
Private stock Feliciano José Sweet soul music C064-98628
Private Stock Natural Gas Natural gas 1C062-97 884
Probe Payne Freda Payne & pleasure 1C056--95 759
Probe Rhodes Emitt Mirror SPBA 6262
Probe Three Dog Night Hard labor C062-95359
Prodigal Quatro Michael Dancers, romancers, dreamers C062-98008
Prodigal Quatro Michael Gettin' Ready 1C066-98676
PS Records P£.S. Corporation "Sorry" P1-2002
Pye Abbey Tavern Singers The rafters ring at the abbey tavern NPL 18127
Pye Cooper Mike Places I know SLDPY 819
Pye Dead fingers talk Storm the reality studio PYSE 5540
Pye Enid Touch me NSPH 18593
Pye Flashman Flashman Pya. 20301
Pye Kinks Percy NSPL 18365
Pye Malcolm & Alwyn Fool's wisdom NSPL 18404
Pye Stray Houdini NSPL 18482